On Thursday, Jennifer Lopez was spotted embarking on a road trip with her children in the Hamptons, following her 55th birthday celebrations. The star, who celebrated her birthday with a Bridgerton-themed party, was stylish in a cream outfit while preparing an RV for the journey.
Lopez wore a cozy cardigan, jumpsuit, and sneakers, with her hair styled in a sleek updo. She was accompanied by her 16-year-old twins, Max and Emme, from her previous marriage to Marc Anthony. Despite glowing from her Queen Charlotte costume at the regency-themed party, Ben Affleck was absent as he remained on the West Coast.
Jennifer shared a heartfelt Instagram reel with her voice coach, Stevie Mackey, singing “Get Happy/Happy Days Are Here Again.” Her post, which has garnered over 181,000 likes, showed her enjoying customized baby blue pajamas and a ‘happy birthday’ balloon banner.
Amidst ongoing split rumors, Lopez and Affleck are reportedly trying to revive their relationship by drawing on their early romance, including writing love letters to each other. Despite previously being on the brink of separation, the couple is now working to keep their relationship private and rebuild their bond.