Jennifer Garner was spotted enjoying a sunny outing with her 15-year-old child, Fin, on Saturday in Brentwood. The 52-year-old actress, who recently shared a playful water game on Instagram, kept her look casual in a navy short-sleeved shirt and blue leggings, paired with orange sneakers. She styled her dark hair in a simple ponytail and wore dark sunglasses.
During their supermarket visit, Garner and Fin strolled through a crowded parking lot, clearly enjoying each other’s company. Garner was also seen visiting her ex-husband Ben Affleck’s Los Angeles home with their son Samuel earlier in the day. Dressed in a similar navy outfit with a striped sweater draped over her shoulders, she was accompanied by Samuel as they visited Affleck’s residence in Brentwood.
This visit comes amid ongoing rumors about Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Lopez, with speculation suggesting that their relationship issues are unrelated to Lopez’s celebrity status. Garner, who shares three children with Affleck, has recently distanced herself from the drаmа, reportedly finding it too painful due to past memories.
Later, Garner shared a charming video on Instagram featuring her cat, Moose, as she gave him a tour of their home. The lighthearted clip showcased Moose exploring various parts of the house, including the refrigerator, microwave, and fish tank, with Garner’s humorous narration adding to the fun.