After stunning in a heavily adorned feather-trimmed gown at the Met Gala on Monday night, Jennifer Lopez quickly changed outfits for the Balmain afterparty at the Boom Boom Room in New York. Accompanied by her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez, 42, the 48-year-old singer showcased her amazing physique in a dazzling minidress. Jennifer opted for full-on glamour, disregarding the traditional rule of emphasizing either legs or cleavage, and instead flaunted both in the thigh-skimming dress embellished with thousands of blue and red beads. She draped a black feather coat from designer Alice McCall over her shoulders and completed her look with red pom-pom heels.
For her hair, Jennifer had previously colored her long blonde tresses to a honey blonde shade with the help of colorist Adrian Wallace at Rita Hazan salon in New York. At the event, she wore her hair in a high bun, a departure from wearing it down on the red carpet, and swapped her nᴜde pink lipstick for a bold red lip. Meanwhile, former baseball player Alex looked sharp in a black shirt and silk-lined trousers.
In contrast, Alicia Vikander impressed in a strapless, floor-length gown that highlighted her toned physique at the same event. The 29-year-old Lara Croft actress exuded effortless glamour in a black and grey crystal-inspired dress, completing her look with glossy