Jennifer Lopez appeared radiant as she arrived at Atelier Dior in Paris for a fitting during fashion week on Sunday. The 54-year-old singer embraced the warm summer weather in a light yellow short-sleeved midi dress, accentuating her figure with a matching belt and clear heels for added height. Styled in an updo, she accessorized with a black handbag, sunglasses, and complemented her look with a light palette of makeup, along with a gold necklace and matching earrings.
Amid media speculation about her marriage to Ben Affleck, Jennifer looked worlds away from any concerns. Meanwhile, Ben was seen without his wedding ring on Sunday, fueling rumors of marital discord. The 51-year-old Oscar winner opted for a casual look in a plaid shirt and jeans during a lunch date with his daughter Violet, 18, in Los Angeles.
Jennifer recently spent time in Italy, where she was photographed enjoying a boat party in Positano, appearing to be in high spirits. She posed for selfies and was observed socializing with friends, despite ongoing rumors about her relationship status with Ben.
Sources close to Jennifer indicated that she may have reached a breаking point in trying to salvage her marriage. An industry insider revealed that Jennifer feels she has done everything possible but sees no improvement in their relationship, citing differences and challenges in blending their lives together.
As for Ben, sources suggest his demanding career filming “Accounting 2” has added strain, impacting his mood and availability. Despite their difficulties, both Jennifer and Ben are reportedly prioritizing their children’s well-being during this challenging time.
Jennifer continues to lean on close friends for support, including stylist Shawn Barton and vocal coach Stevie Mackey, as she navigates this period of personal reflection and change.