The red carpet at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival has continued to offer stunning looks. Jennifer Lawrence joined the fashion parade this Sunday in a fire-engine red Christian Dior Couture gown for a screening of Bread and Roses. Lawrence is a producer on Afghan filmmaker Sahra Mani’s documentary on Afghan women surviving under the Taliban. She wore two ensembles by the fashion brand designed by Maria Grazia Chiuri in one day.Her evening gown had thin straps, a ruffled neckline, and a tight waist that expanded up into a floor-length skirt. A similar stole was wrapped over her arms, creating a royal train behind her.Lawrence made the dramatic look shimmer with a Tiffany & Co. diamond necklace in an asymmetrical zig-zag pattern, and left her long blonde hair down. She had a bright red lip to match her ensemble.Jennifer Lawrence set the red carpet ablaze at the Cannes Film Festival with her breathtaking appearance. Clad in a stunning Christian Dior Couture gown in a vibrant shade of red, she exuded sheer elegance and confidence. The meticulously crafted ensemble perfectly accentuated her figure, leaving onlookers in awe of her impeccable fashion sense.